Wednesday 14 March 2012

Coca-Cola Happiness Truck Canada | Le camion du bonheur Coca-Cola au Canada

Wednesday 7 September 2011

How do you get to Carnegie Hall?

This isn't a question I have been asked in a while it is the answer that I have been dwelling on this morning.  It goes back to my previous mention of The Tipping Point  where the mention of how much we practice is the key topic.  For the past two months I feel like I have really been doing that, even started talking about my carreer as a practise.  Doctors practice medicine.  For myself, I practice marketing and there is the practice of teaching this.  My view of marketing is probably a little differennt than some as I see it for a business as something you have to have a wholistic approach to for success.  As Stephen Covey basically says you cannot do wrong in one part of your life ,without effecting the rest of it. Your integrity will effect all parts of your life and YOUR BUSINESS is what I take away. But back to marketing and teaching the tools, there is always a need to learn before you give the information, to stay on top of what is being offered.  In realizing and doing  this in all parts of my life, I suddenly feel a knowing that things will just be constantly evolving for me in a positive way.  There was a quote about wisdom this morning I saw somewhere that basically said once we realize what we don't know, we are so much smarter.  It means for me, there is an opportunity to ask questions and grow.  

Do you get frustrated when you run into something or someone you don't understand? Or do you look for better questions to ask?  

My blog here is a set of statements that I work on daily, constantly looking for ways to keep making the lense I am looking through become more clear. Constantly refocusing and revamping and learning about myself.  It is a great way to see where I am at. 

My Big DREAMS are...
-take the kids on a great holiday or 10
- to pay off both my houses and have them as passive income instead of a concern each month-purchase commercial property for an amazing space to hang out in.
-be an amazing teacher and student and hope my children will do the same.

I am what I think about most!
My Successes yesterday were : 
1. I practiced on my kitchen floor, a set of moves I would like to learn to do on my Paiwen paddle board I will have in the next 9 months.

2. Harmony in my household.  I want it to be a safe kind place, with positive words, good vocabulary used to express emotions..

I  am Grateful for (3 min. and you can repeat)
1. My parents
2. My kids and friends 

3. that I can swim and for taking time to float down a river for hours...truely nature brings us back to ourselves. 
4. For the patience I have had over the past few months working on my practice and the right invitation

The action I took towards my BIG DREAMS were...
( you must take one action towards your big dream every day ( 3 is awesome)

2. Patience
3. Patience... 
4. I am flexible and choose to go with the flow of what is needed in the present moment.

The actions I took towards my Happiness were
(You must at least do ONE activity towards increasing your Happiness at set points every day.. no matter how small)
1. I made lunches for the kids, cookies for school ( even if they forgot them)
2. I stopped, I was grateful, I let the universe work it's magic..
3. Worked hard enough to sleep so soundly

Saturday 3 September 2011

I am what I think about most

My Big DREAMS are...
-take the kids on a great holiday or 10
- to pay off both my houses and have them as passive income instead of a concern each month
-purchase commercial property for an amazing space to hang out in.

I am what I think about most!
My Successes yesterday were : 
1. Got up early - walked 5 miles with Shelley, ate well, relaxed well
2. did some more painting of the floor in preparation for moving things around downstairs, more purging of stuff we don't need!
3. Kicked Garrat out of the house, sounds odd, but we were sick of his moaning, gaming etc.. and he ended up finding a bunch of friends, hanging out at the very cool youth center, scraping his knee at the bike park and having a much better day than if we had nagged him for all the things he was up to.
I  am Grateful for (3 min. and you can repeat)
1. My parents
2. My kids and friends - especially Shelley this week.. she is always inspiring to me.. 
3. My health!

The action I took towards my BIG DREAMS were...
( you must take one action towards your big dream every day ( 3 is awesome)
1. I ripped out all the pages in my note book, started fresh with a list for each project. Broke it all down! 
2. kept at organizing the downstairs... organization will be key.
 3.took time to write..

The actions I took towards my Happiness were
(You must at least do ONE activity towards increasing your Happiness at set points every day.. no matter how small)
1. Lost 10 pounds, keeping at it bought more healthy food!
2. More organizing, phone calls, planning, organizing and doing!
3. Got a good night sleep! 

Are you designing your life?

I always like to think that I am in control of how my life is coming along. Saying I design my life at the moment is probably really coming into fruition.  Alot of the puzzle pieces I picked up are coming together.  ( No less puzzling) If you look at books like The Tipping Point  that show so many examples of how experience and time overcomes many of the inadequacies you may have been born to, and stick with your goals over a long period of time - you start to see results.
Here are a few of the long term goals I have been designing
 I have started them,  knowing it would take a long term investment, constant redesign and some study to see results :

1) Having children:
-they were both planned,
-I read lots of books, went to seminars to get the outline of how it should be done...
-got involved with parent groups when they were little
-volunteered with Girl Guides and Sea Cadets
-volunteered with the P.A.C. and other items.- To see how it was actually being done.

Result - after parenting for 17 years I am seeing some positive results.. I like the outcome, knowing what to look for and what questions to ask has been key, to understanding that I have been a success.
A) you can plan, but probably the needs of the children will become obviously different than what you thought,
b) Play more than you think you should, they are teenagers sooner than you think
c) take holidays with your kids - it is the best gift you can give all of you that none of the books or seminars teach.

2) Investing
I chose real estate: for some that seems risky and I have broken some of the rules and found new ways to do things that just stun other people as they just didn't know.
-had my student loans pay for my morgage for 7 years
-built 7 years worth of equity in a house that everyone said to demolish.
-I had been to city hall, looked at the city plans, watched, went to development meetings.
-That little house I now rent out, has refinanced me many times while going through school and raising kids.
and has doubled in Value since I purchased it.
-It allowed me, with some help, and knowing when the right time to ask for help( which is key), in purchasing the next house.
I will admit I am on the high side of risk at the moment, (yes a few nights of numbing worry)  but I know where my cards are, I know my end game, time has been invested and relationships built, because of going out on a limb. By the 3rd house purchase, I am still learning about agents, inspections and values and it is very exciting. ( but you have to have interest)
-know the area you are going to purchase. A friend recently laughed at the price on a property and asked me to guess what it was worth.  I was pretty close as I undestood the value that piece of property had to this town, to the people who owned it and why the location was amazing. ( in a few years it will be anyway - so if you have 4 million.. yeah! )
More importantly, a home has been made each time.
a) Pay off your credit cards
b) get a great mortgage broker  and investment adviser and a Rock Star Realtor who is going to fight for you and only you!
c) understand your equity and the land around where you are planning to purchase.

3) Education:
When I graduated from high school it was a big deal.  My mom was not allowed, as she had to run the family store in Whitby Ont.  and my dad finished school in a tiny little school room in town called Burns Lake BC.  Not many of them went on to post secondary. My dad tried a year, but the change was to big, the city to overwhelming and from his stories,  the girls were rather rude if you didn't have a car!
My grandmother once wrote me about how glad she was I could now joint the typing pool. Words that have never left me.  Thankfully though I was kicked out of Grade 8 French and put in typing. So she was right! And as the The Tipping Point  says, it is time in and practice that make the difference.  I never would have chosen typing, but once you have the lower level credit, it can't be wasted so I went on to the electronic type writers in high school and though I failed computer science, it was more from skipping class and typing poetry than anything.  The "point" is when computers became important.. I had a skill that some did not and even into my thirties I used it to my benefit.  When email arrived, I was teaching people at "THAT" booth in the mall that was trying to sign you up for the internet.  They thought we were NUTS! Koodos to Dowco Internet for being ahead of the game!
I look at my education portion on my resume and it is starting to look a little nuts at 40 if I look at all the seminars and certifications.  I had kids in my 20s so all I could see was little seminars and training days. and by the time I was thirty and hadn't gone to university I decided to figure that out as well.  I am UFV Alumni 2009 with my Bachelor of Fine Arts.  I was terrified of the first day I went into register as no one had ever told me I could just go.... I thought I had to "Get In"  Luckily the woman behind the desk was 10 years older and had had the same experience.  She recognized me.  And I kept learning about something I love.  I often hear about how the to fortune 500 CEO's who don't have a bachelor degree like I have.. and NO you don't need one. No one does, but I understand the world so much better  now, I have better questions than before and I have much better tools than I had before to figure out my world when there is a question. OH and yeah I got to have the "university experience" as my kids were gone weekends. So the pubs, the parties and the fun I missed having kids young, I tasted in proportion and don't have the "missing' feeling I had before.
a) Education can be fun
b) It won't get you  The Starbucks Experience or a job there.
c) You will have  bigger network of Alumni brotherhood, than if you didn't go! and you will be a better team player.

This supposed to by my Gratuity Blog/Log and I am on day 20 something of 90... so I should get back on track.. I am often side tracked so one of my projects will be top ten time wasters and how to fix it! It will be posted on my  other website once I get the blog back up on the front page at  which is my Six Figure Mentors site find the best back office for learning online internet marketing.

Thursday 1 September 2011

Fell off the wagon again

I am going to have to look at this bloggin a little differently, or maybe once the kids are in school in a few days a regular schedule will change how things happen.  I had intended to write or video a blog EVERY day .. for 90 days.. but life happens doesn't it.  It is like the weight loss program I have just lost my first 10 lbs on.. you eat a grill cheese sandwich one day...
.( thanks Shelly, I never knew how good yellow cheese and feta could taste so amazing melted together- I have changed my view of the average GC Sandwich forever- we will have to open the Lazy Dayzy Cafe sooner than later)  
but you still go back the next day and keep working towards your goals.  My new goal is to actually write  90 blogs, and hopefully they will be daily.  Sometimes the goal posts change - but they are not removed. We have to forgive ourselves and move forward.  

I am currently reading The Greatest Miracle in the World  by Og Mandino and have got to the part where it all comes together... The End.. The last Chapter. I also have it sitting by Double Double by Cameron Herald  and find it ironic I am on the last couple chapters there.  There seems to be a congruent pattern here of not finishing.  I get distracted and as I am in my 40th year and probably have another 40 to go, I think the new focus will be on my latest favorite saying " Get-er-Dun!"  Surrounded by amazing people who are of the same mindset makes a huge difference.  One of my "board members" I guess you could call it is Jason Suttie and he is a guy who walks his walk and I have watched him set goals for himself and push through to completion. Great job Jason! And if you need mortgage advice check out his blog

But onto completing my task at hand before finishing my power point for my meetup group tonight on WordPress Blogs - How and Why -the reason started this blog for my KAP-IT Group I am in with Colin Sprake and Make Your Mark Business Consulting. 

My Big DREAMS are... to pay off both my houses and have them as passive income instead of a concern each month. Have them both rented out and have Jackie, my rockstar realtor looking for my commercial dream property while I live on the 40 ft sail boat.  It will have 1 side retail/coffee shop/ one side working gallery with 2 to 4 apartments upstairs.  There will be boardroom and workshop space, with lots of people, learning how to make their businesses more amazing, there will be foodies and food and amazing wine and drinks.. and lots of fun and laughter! All ages welcome!  Oh and from my little sailboat I will have my paddle board I can take to my H20 water yoga as I will be soooooooooooo balanced in so many ways! 

I am what I think about most!
My Successes today were : 
1. Got up early - which is a habit I love - used the 5K running program for a learn to skip program
2. My two amazing kids got themselves up and ready. Garrat is off to pre-season football practise, made his Gator-aid up and ready to go. Hannah is off doing babysitting in her new niche market... watching special needs children and took some of the amazing banana bread she made last night.. I am glad she is branching out from Chocolate Chip Cookies, change is always good and the Joy of Cooking
is getting tired on that page.

I  am Grateful for (3 min. and you can repeat)
1. My parents
2. My kids and friends - especially Shelley this week.. she is always inspiring to me.. 
3. My health!

The action I took towards my BIG DREAMS were...
( you must take one action towards your big dream every day ( 3 is awesome)
1. Bloggin, got website to a happy point.. did another video
2. Hooking up another stream of income with BeautiControl - and got the products as well as used them and got the new website up! yippee
3. Went to my Kap-it Group and I think I really showed up, much less fear, more work done and getting on top of where I need to get to!

The actions I took towards my Happiness were
(You must at least do ONE activity towards increasing your Happiness at set points every day.. no matter how small)
1. Lost 10 pounds, keeping strong
2. Got another 10 boxes of crap out of my basement and we are repacking some of Garrat's stuff and hoping he will also let go of more...
3. Reading.. I really enjoy it and have got back to it and will keep doing it! 

Have a great day everyone! Bless you all! 

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Another Day Another Dollar

So yesterday brought alot of things to me. Not money yet.. but it will come. The
website is something I am ok with finally.  It is like the shoe maker.. I haven't had time to go and get all my own photos or my portfolio up and don't want to pick a really fancy theme as sometimes keeping things simple really is best. I have tried alot of different themes and have come back to one of the WordPress 2011 themes as there is so much flexibility.  I realize as well I should be bloggin' on that site probably but connecting the two is the next step.  Today has already brought little successes, been for a walk with Shelley, got in my Hour of Power....Tony Robbins Style and I guess next to add to the list is the other Hour of Power..Robert Shuller Style.. there aren't alot of preachers I have listened to in my life, but once in a while, while he was living I would take time to watch him on T.V. and I have book of his I love to pick up.. and there is so much love in what he has to say, it is always a valuable moment in my life.   But today was doing it Tony style, even did a video while walking.. taking time to be mentally fit, physically fit, taking time with family and now taking time for business. Actually got an other video blog done, but realized I changed topics mid video.. from how to prep for your meeting.. to what our next meeting was going to be about.  So another will have to be made.. I am loving editing. I learned how to use Adobe Premier Pro in University and am using something much simpler. Would be happy with either!  Forgot how enjoyable the creative process is. 

But now to get on with the day! So since I have taken a couple days off my 90 day promise I better make sure it is done today! 
My Big DREAMS are... ( love the dot dot dot.)
To make money through helping people feel personally successful in their business and do it through a laptop lifestyle and workshops.

This will let me work on my big dream of being by the water alot more or just all the time.. 

I am what I think about most!
My Successes today were : (hummm I might be a morning writer but fix this later.)
1. Got up early - which is a habit I love - got walking and just stepped right into my runners.. easier than yesterday! 
2. Have graphics work to do today! Got a great job offer as well! 
3.I love my daughter making cookies in the kitchen.. We should really get Garrat up.. but it is so nice and quiet.

I  am Grateful for (3 min. and you can repeat)
1. My parents
2. My kids and friends
3. My health!

The action I took towards my BIG DREAMS were...
( you must take one action towards your big dream every day ( 3 is awesome)
1. Bloggin, got website to a happy point.. did another video
2. Hooking up another stream of income with BeautiControl
3. Review cashflow statement - get some outside input

The actions I took towards my Happiness were
(You must at least do ONE activity towards increasing your Happiness at set points every day.. no matter how small)
1. Smile with my liver
2. Meditate
3. Complete my tasks

Friday 19 August 2011

New Dreamboard for the season.. that is all I have for the day!

I have been wanted to redu my dreamboard for a while.. and I think this nails it down pretty well. It was easy to do this time. There is a new sense of focus going on here.. 
